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Tours start in the Gold Drawing Room where our guide gives a talk on the past and present activities of Livery Companies in general and the Armourers and Brasiers in particular as well as the history of armour and its role in medieval warfare.  He also talks about the history of our present Hall, one of the few to have escaped the Blitz. Tours then visit the Library, the Court Room and the Livery Hall in turn and in each of which the guide provides guidance on artefacts of particular note (portraits – most notably perhaps the infamous Ann Vavasour and her chequered love-life -  armour, clocks etc.)  Questions are encouraged and photographs (for personal not professional use) allowed.



"....a big thank you for showing us all around. It never ceases to amaze that so much is hidden behind a façade. We were enthralled to listen to the Clerk talking us through the various rooms and particularly the barrel-vaulted Livery Hall... it must be quite something to be at a candle-lit dinner.

It was good to have commentary about armour and the Battle of Agincourt. Several  Members said that they would re-read the account of the battle with the Clerk's comments in mind. It is amazing  after so long that historians are coming up with new ideas about it."


Quote from a Happy Visitor